Exquisite for body, mind and soul


Relaxing sounds and scents envelop the senses, glitter and sparkle fill the room - immerse yourself in the healing world of gemstones. Browse on more than 500 square meters through a fascinating selection of beautiful and exquisite things - a multitude of small and large treasures. Discover our stone paradise in the building of the impressive crib exhibition ArsKrippana.

Gift ideas for any occasion

"Whatever the gifts may be with which thou mayest delight, delight." The Roman poet Ovid once said. His saying still holds true today. There are always occasions for giving presents, but the question often arises: "What am I going to gift?

Precious stones have been stimulating people's imagination for thousands of years.

Their beauty and perfection have received special attention in all cultures. Their stimulating power was used by shamans and healers. Today the ancient knowledge is scientifically proven and more and more people believe in the positive effect of their vibrations and colors.

Due to the growing interest in natural and non-toxic healing methods, the hidden power of gemstones has been attracting more and more attention in recent years. At the moment, an ancient art of healing that was almost forgotten is experiencing an unexpected renaissance. Although the power of stones was well known in antiquity and different ancient cultures of Europe, Asia and America. Due to the rarity of many precious stones, this knowledge never reached the same relevance as the use of herbs and other natural remedies.

This situation has changed today: never before has there been such a wide range of minerals and gemstones as in this century. And never before such a comprehensive knowledge about their origin, growth and transformation. Modern literature on this subject has only existed since the mid-1980s, yet gemstone science has become so widespread that millions of people report positive experiences with them.

In the beginning there was the stone.

The ArsMINERALIS in the Ardenner Cultur Boulevard offers a shop specialised in minerals from all over the world. A wide selection at fair prices awaits you. Come and experience the power of the stones.

We look forward to your visit to the world of experience at the Ardenner Cultur Boulevard in Losheim, directly on the German-Belgian border, in the middle of the Eifel, the heart of Europe.

A children and family friendly excursion is always worthwhile and for young and old we offer group entries for our four large exhibitions and attractions with cribs, dolls, model trains and the Art & Event Gallery. For the physical well-being, good food, coffee, cake and Belgian specialities are available in the café Old Smuggler or the country inn Balter.  ... With us even "Sunday we are open for business", different shopping possibilities exist. Whether in the supermarket Delhaize, the coffee and beer paradise or e.g. gift articles, jewellery and gemstones in the stone paradise ArsMineralis.